“When i look back, I think,

look how far you have come, Anne’ ”

Anne Dowie, Drummer.

Drumming Up Mental Health…

It all began with a simple idea… between musicians, therapists, patients and hospital clinicians - to find a way to extend their supportive experience of therapeutic drumming out from hospital and into the community. To find ways to enable folk to take the welcoming, dynamic, healing beats home with them to share with others. From small, informal workshops to exciting public performances there is somewhere for everyone to find their rhythm with The ‘Buddy Beat’.

The core of our work is our weekly workshops - available to anyone with lived experience of mental health. A typical session will involve a rhythmic drumming jam, exercises that hone our playing, listening, confidence, concentration, and group collaboration skills, and work on new drumming pieces. And of course - a tea break!

We meet on: Thursday mornings, 10am-12pm

At: Johnstone High Parish Church Halls, Ludovic Square, Johnstone, PA5 8EE .

We're a group that loves to welcome new members and visitors - please do get in touch through our 'get involved' page if you'd like to come yourself, or to refer someone else. We're big supporters of social prescribing!